Let's sing with us

Let's Enjoy Songs

Even in Covid-19

Jan 27th

20:30  UTC+9(JST)

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About the Riho Tagawa
田川 理穂

Mezzo Soprano
La Riho's club 主宰

☆ 国立音楽大学付属中学校、音楽高等学校を経て国立音楽大学音楽学部声楽学科卒業。ピアノを根上倫子、今野信子、浜田桃子各氏に師事。和声学、作曲を加藤昌則氏に師事。指揮法、伴奏法をD.Pacitti氏に師事。声楽を山咲史枝、岩渕嘉瑩、宮永康雄、畑和子、湯川晃、S.Sammaritano各氏に師事。

☆ オペラ『ヘンゼルとグレーテル』でオペラデビュー。
☆ S.Sammaritano氏の来日時、メゾの声質を見込まれ、Sammaritano氏のもとへ渡伊し、研鑽を積む。
☆ フランスにおいてはアーティストオーディションに合格し、現在までフランス人実業家の支援を受けている。
☆ ヘンデル『メサイア』、モーツアルト『レクイエム』『戴冠ミサ』などの宗教曲、また、ベートーヴェン『第九』などのソリストを務めるほか、新進作曲家の独唱曲初演を数多く務める。
☆ 後継者育成のため、小、中学校のゲストティーチャーを務めるほか、合唱の分野においては、合唱コンクールの審査員、特別講師として招聘されている。
☆ 2018年よりLa Riho's clubを立ち上げ、自らの経験を元にした独自の指導法Tre-Bシステムにより、より良い歌い方の普及と、オペラなどの文化芸術振興活動を積極的に行っている。すでに、主催のオペラ講座(キガホン!?クラシック)は15回を数える。
☆ 2019年には、シルベストロ・サンマリターノ氏を招聘し、マスタークラスを開催し、本当のベルカントと言えるメソッドを日本に広める活動を行なった。

☆ 毎年行われるクラッシク春の祭典ラ・フォル・ジュルネで松田聖子氏の曲の編曲/ピアニストで有名なジャズピアニスト野崎洋一氏と共演(2015)
☆ 児童合唱の指導で有名な富澤裕氏の指揮でみんなで歌おう!小田原市民によるG.F.ヘンデル作曲 オラトリオ「メサイヤ」のアルトソリスト(2016)
☆ 伊藤康英作曲オペラ ある水筒の物語 光の君 ソリスト (2019)
☆ 福井県の第九を歌おう 合唱の集い アルトソリスト(2018/2019)
☆ 清水史広指揮 シェーンベルク 月に憑かれたピエロ メゾソプラノ ソリスト(2019)
☆ 谷川賢作 作曲 赤毛のアン メゾソプラノ ソリスト マリラ役
☆ 指揮 大河内雅彦 カルメン メゾソプラノ カルメン役(2020)

☆ シルベストロ・サンマリターノ氏を日本に招聘し、リサイタル共演(2009) ☆ その他TV出演するパーカッショニスト、ギタリストなどと多数共演
☆ TV出演や雑誌に掲載されている有名な書道家とのコラボレーション演奏会(2012)

☆ 渡辺真知子ラジオ番組に出演(2015)☆ 日本プロ音楽録音賞(サラウンド部門)を受賞した阿部哲也 レコーディング&ミックスエンジニアによるレコーディングで、みくりやクワイアとして、ポニーキャニオンよりCDメジャーデビュー ☆ 野崎洋一氏に「ぞうのはな子」の作詞・作曲をしてもらい、CDをラ・ルーチェとしてリリース ☆ 寝具のエアーウィーブCM挿入歌 ☆ 映画『知事抹殺』挿入歌

☆ 山田和樹氏指揮のがん患者さんが歌う春の第九合唱指導およびピアニスト、NHK出演(2017) ☆ 藤岡幸夫(2019)指揮のがん患者さんが歌う春の第九合唱指導およびピアニスト MTV放映 ☆La Riho's club 主宰として元ミラノ・スカラ座ソリスト兼ソリスト養成所責任者 シルベストロ氏を招聘し、講演とマスターコース開催(2019) ☆ 指導合唱団:コールやざわ・『いきのちから』・学芸大OB/OG Shall we choir ・横浜市栄区『第九』合唱指導者/ピアニスト、学習院大学OB合唱団・コーロ・ミスト・ステッラ合唱団音楽スタッフ・浦和ゆうかり合唱団ヴォイストレーナー、 ・新日鉄住金本社合唱団ボイストレーナー・東海林のり子理事のエクスプレッション歌唱指導、静岡ヴェルディー合唱団ヴォイストレーナー

<Activity outline>
She is a graduate of the Kunitachi College of Music.
☆ After studying at Junior High School and Music High School attached to Kunitachi College of Music, she graduated from Kunitachi College of Music, Department of Voice. She studied piano under Michiko Negami, Nobuko Konno, and Momoko Hamada. She studied harmony and composition under Masanori Kato. Studied conducting and accompaniment under D. Pacitti. She has studied voice with Fumie Yamasaki, Yoshiaki Iwabuchi, Yasuo Miyanaga, Kazuko Hata, Akira Yukawa, and Silvestro Sammaritano.

<Summary of Activities>
Debut in the opera "Hansel and Gretel".
At the time of S.Sammaritano's visit to Japan, she went to Italy to study with Maestro Sammaritano because of her beautiful mezzo voice.
In France, she passed the artist audition and has been supported by a French businessman.
She has been a soloist in Handel's "Messiah," Mozart's "Requiem," "Coronation Mass" and other religious works, Beethoven's "Ninth," and has premiered many solo works by up-and-coming composers.
In the field of choral music, she has been invited as a judge for choral competitions and as a special lecturer.
☆ In 2018, she launched La Riho's club and has been actively involved in the promotion of opera and other cultural arts, as well as the spread of better singing techniques through her unique Tre-B system, a teaching method based on her own experiences. She has already held 15 opera lectures (called Kigahon!?Classic).
In 2019, she invited Maestro Silvestro Sammaritano to give a master class and spread the true bel canto method in Japan.

<Recent Singing Activities>
She performed at La Folle Journée, an annual classical spring festival, with Yoichi Nozaki, a famous jazz pianist and arranger/pianist of Seiko Matsuda's music (2015).
☆ Let's sing together under the direction of Mr. Yutaka Tomizawa, famous for teaching children's chorus! Alto soloist in G.F. Handel's oratorio "Messiah" by Odawara citizens (2016)
Soloist in the opera "The Story of a Water Bottle" by Yasuhide Itoh (2019)
☆ Let's Sing the Ninth in Fukui Prefecture Chorus Gathering, Alto Soloist (2018/2019)
☆ Conductor, Fumihiro Shimizu : Schoenberg, Pierrot lunaire Mezzo-soprano Soloist(2019)
☆Kensaku Tanigawa, Mezzo-soprano soloist as Marilla in Anne of Green Gables
☆Masahiko Okochi, conductor: Carmen, mezzo-soprano, as Carmen (2020)

<Other Singing Activities>
☆ Invited Mr. Silvestro Sammaritano to Japan for a recital (2009)
☆ Performed with many percussionists and guitarists who appeared on TV
☆ Collaboration concert with a famous calligrapher Mouri Suzuki who has appeared on TV and in magazines (2012)

<Performed in media such as CM and CD>
☆ Appeared on Machiko Watanabe's radio program (2015)
☆ CD major debut from Pony Canyon as Mikuriya Choir, recorded by Tetsuya Abe recording and mixing engineer, who won the Japan Professional Music Recording Award (surround sound category) The CD was released as La Luce.

<Teaching activities in recent years>
Maestro Silvestro, former soloist and head of the soloist training school at La Scala in Milan, was invited as the leader of La Riho's club. Invited former Milan Scala soloist and soloist training center director Maestro Silvestro as the leader of La Riho's club to give a lecture and hold a master course (2019)
☆ Choir: Call YAZAWA, Iki no Chikara, Gakugei University alumni/OG Shall we choir
☆ Sakae Ward, Yokohama City "Ninth" chorus leader/pianist, Gakushuin University alumni choir, chorus mist stella choir music staff Voice trainer for the Yuukari Urawa Chorus, Voice trainer for the Nippon Steel Corporation Chorus, Expression singing instructor for Noriko Tokaibayashi, Voice trainer for the Shizuoka Verdi Chorus

<Activity outline>
She is a graduate of the Kunitachi College of Music.
☆ After studying at Junior High School and Music High School attached to Kunitachi College of Music, she graduated from Kunitachi College of Music, Department of Voice. She studied piano under Michiko Negami, Nobuko Konno, and Momoko Hamada. She studied harmony and composition under Masanori Kato. Studied conducting and accompaniment under D. Pacitti. She has studied voice with Fumie Yamasaki, Yoshiaki Iwabuchi, Yasuo Miyanaga, Kazuko Hata, Akira Yukawa, and Silvestro Sammaritano.

<Summary of Activities>
Debut in the opera "Hansel and Gretel".
At the time of S.Sammaritano's visit to Japan, she went to Italy to study with Maestro Sammaritano because of her beautiful mezzo voice.
In France, she passed the artist audition and has been supported by a French businessman.
She has been a soloist in Handel's "Messiah," Mozart's "Requiem," "Coronation Mass" and other religious works, Beethoven's "Ninth," and has premiered many solo works by up-and-coming composers.
In the field of choral music, she has been invited as a judge for choral competitions and as a special lecturer.
☆ In 2018, she launched La Riho's club and has been actively involved in the promotion of opera and other cultural arts, as well as the spread of better singing techniques through her unique Tre-B system, a teaching method based on her own experiences. She has already held 15 opera lectures (called Kigahon!?Classic).
In 2019, she invited Maestro Silvestro Sammaritano to give a master class and spread the true bel canto method in Japan.

<Recent Singing Activities>
She performed at La Folle Journée, an annual classical spring festival, with Yoichi Nozaki, a famous jazz pianist and arranger/pianist of Seiko Matsuda's music (2015).
☆ Let's sing together under the direction of Mr. Yutaka Tomizawa, famous for teaching children's chorus! Alto soloist in G.F. Handel's oratorio "Messiah" by Odawara citizens (2016)
Soloist in the opera "The Story of a Water Bottle" by Yasuhide Itoh (2019)
☆ Let's Sing the Ninth in Fukui Prefecture Chorus Gathering, Alto Soloist (2018/2019)
☆ Conductor, Fumihiro Shimizu : Schoenberg, Pierrot lunaire Mezzo-soprano Soloist(2019)
☆Kensaku Tanigawa, Mezzo-soprano soloist as Marilla in Anne of Green Gables
☆Masahiko Okochi, conductor: Carmen, mezzo-soprano, as Carmen (2020)

<Other Singing Activities>
☆ Invited Mr. Silvestro Sammaritano to Japan for a recital (2009)
☆ Performed with many percussionists and guitarists who appeared on TV
☆ Collaboration concert with a famous calligrapher Mouri Suzuki who has appeared on TV and in magazines (2012)

<Performed in media such as CM and CD>
☆ Appeared on Machiko Watanabe's radio program (2015)
☆ CD major debut from Pony Canyon as Mikuriya Choir, recorded by Tetsuya Abe recording and mixing engineer, who won the Japan Professional Music Recording Award (surround sound category) The CD was released as La Luce.

<Teaching activities in recent years>
Maestro Silvestro, former soloist and head of the soloist training school at La Scala in Milan, was invited as the leader of La Riho's club. Invited former Milan Scala soloist and soloist training center director Maestro Silvestro as the leader of La Riho's club to give a lecture and hold a master course (2019)
☆ Choir: Call YAZAWA, Iki no Chikara, Gakugei University alumni/OG Shall we choir
☆ Sakae Ward, Yokohama City "Ninth" chorus leader/pianist, Gakushuin University alumni choir, chorus mist stella choir music staff Voice trainer for the Yuukari Urawa Chorus, Voice trainer for the Nippon Steel Corporation Chorus, Expression singing instructor for Noriko Tokaibayashi, Voice trainer for the Shizuoka Verdi Chorus
